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Anti-Social Behaviour

Monitoring and Prevention

Though crime has fallen sharply since the lockdown began, a rise in anti-social behaviour during the  lockdown is of grave concern as it stretches already under-resourced emergency services. Breaches of the lockdown are a key driver of the rise in anti-social behaviour, with groups of people acting against express guidance to stay at home. This has a ripple effect on the amount of time and attention emergency services can give to those with a high health-risk in your council, potentially denying life-saving support. Therefore, it’s of paramount importance that anti-social behaviour is easily monitored and prevented without taxing the precious time of the emergency services.

One of the biggest difficulties with addressing the problem of anti-social behaviour is the remoteness of the areas where such behaviour takes place. Monitoring such areas with the right technologies, such as CCTV, would be prohibitively expensive and logistically impractical due to the need for mains power and internet connectivity.

How do you get “eyes on” to these important events?

The iDefigo solution

iDefigo, a UK-based specialist in hardware and software solutions for remote surveillance, has a Smart Camera solution that is both low-cost and high-grade. Unlike CCTV, the Smart Camera are easy to install anywhere as they do not require mains power or broadband connections. The cameras transmit events that matter in real-time feed to any device, 24/7, at a high quality, with no on-site power, networking, or integration required. Importantly, the cameras send alerts when a trigger event has occurred, in the lead up to anti-social behaviour.

The iDefigo Hosted Platform stores and gives you access to all recorded footage, from anywhere in the world with any device. This ensures that law enforcement authorities are able to identify suspects after the fact, thus reducing future incidents of such behaviour. Finally, the cameras require no support from your own IT departments and are immediately available to use.

We’re confident our solution can significantly enhance your abilities to tackle anti-social behaviour. To learn more about how the solution can be deployed in your council, contact us now.

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